Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Triple threat!

You know the saying, 'too many chiefs, not enough indians'? Well, for those who know this family (seen HERE and HERE) know that they already have too many indians and not enough chiefs. I love these little guys and have loved watching them grow up so quickly, in addition to their twin sisters.

In order to mark the spectacular occasion of their 3rd birthday we set out to get some great, fun photos with the amazing tee-pee their Nana made for them... gotta love Nana's!! As you can see we really only had one who was willing to wear his feather headband, but hey in this family one is better than none!


  1. I AM SERIOUSLY DYING OVER THE CUTENESS. How did you do that? You had a very hard job and somehow managed to make this look like some cute kid advertising:-) I like how you added the chief to indian ratio.

    I double heart you and there is no gaywadapants in this photo shoot.


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Michelle Herrick
tel: 480/326.4134

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